Donate to the Campaign

Currently the GUHSD Board has only one conservative member.  There are three openings for this election with four candidates running; two of which are incumbents. I am the only conservative running and the only candidate with an education background. Because there are not enough candidates to flip this Board to conservative the monetary support I was hoping for will not be coming my way. This was a huge disappointment to me but I do understand why these organizations have made that decision.

So I am reaching out to friends and family for support. Any contribution amount will help.  A $20 donation will purchase one large sign or three yard signs, a website is $30 per month, one mailer will run $800, and palm cards are $104.00 for 1000

You can either mail a check for deposit or make a contribution to my Anedot account. Campaign contributions are not tax deductible. 

To make a donation text, click or scan an option below:

text votecolson to 888-444-8774


Thank you for any support you can give. Whether it be monetary, time, or prayer,  it will lead me to the place God has for me in November.





Political advertisement paid for and approved by the candidate.

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